Race and Faith Book Club

Race and Faith Book Club

What is the Race and Faith Book Club?

This book club is for those looking to discuss racism and engage their faith. Race and Faith will post questions, reflections, interesting materials in the FB group weekly. We meet using video conferencing. Links to connect will be given closer to time of meeting.

Book Club Rules:

This is not group therapy. We all share our own experiences without trying to fix others in the group. If you are sensing that issues are coming up for you that are beyond the scope of this group, that are beyond the topic of discussion. You may want to set up therapy sessions outside of this group.
Use “I” statements
Be respectful. Watch your language and don’t speak over others.
You may find that you disagree with something that another member of the group has said. It is okay to disagree as long as it’s done respectfully
Stay on topic
We will honor time by starting and ending on timeĀ